
I have always struggled with routine, including getting regular adjustments and taking supplements. Dr. Omar has so much patience! I know one thing for sure! What she says is true about getting your body the nutrients it needs to function while making sure your physical structure is in tip top condition. I KNOW FOR CERTAIN most all of my problems - body aches, headaches, fatigue, stomach aches, FEELING MY AGE! and more are directly related to and a result of, poor nutrition and body out of alignment inhibiting blood flow, proper movement and many more reasons. I have learned there is no magic cure or pill to live healthy and free of pain. Yes, it takes work but the rewards are great. Dr. Omar is great in working with you and not overwhelming you, just having you do what you are willing to do to get your health back. When I do what I know is good for me I'm no longer a prisoner to my body and can live free and achieve maximum fulfillment of all life has to offer. I cannot thank you enough Dr. Omar! Thank you for doing what no other doctor has done for me. — JD

My experience with Dr. Omar has been life-changing. When I first sought her help, I was struggling with a nagging health issue that seemed to persist despite various treatments. From the moment I met Dr. Omar, I could sense her genuine care and dedication to understanding my concerns.

What truly impressed me was her approach to healing. Unlike other doctors who rushed through appointments, Dr. Omar took the time to listen and understand the bigger picture. She didn’t just focus on my symptoms; she wanted to uncover the root cause. Through thorough assessments and discussions, she gained a comprehensive understanding of my body’s unique needs. Dr. Omar’s expertise is amazing. As a DC, Applied Kinesiologist, and Functional Neurologist, she possesses a wealth of knowledge in different areas of medicine. This allowed her to create a treatment plan tailored specifically to me. Each session was a blend of chiropractic care, applied kinesiology, and functional neurology, all working harmoniously to address my specific health concerns.

What truly touched my heart was Dr. Omar’s empathy and genuine care. She didn’t treat me like just another patient; she treated me like a person on a healing journey. Her kindness and understanding made me feel comfortable sharing my worries and fears. One of the highlights of my experience was the way she educated me about my condition and treatment. Dr. Omar explained each step in detail, breaking down complex concepts into understandable terms. Her transparency empowered me to actively participate in my healing process, giving me hope for a brighter future. I can’t express enough gratitude for Dr. Marla Omar’s guidance and support. Through her holistic approach, she addressed not only my physical health but also my emotional well-being. It felt like she was by my side every step of the way, cheering me on as I progressed toward recovery.

Thanks to her, I am now on a path to wellness, and I highly recommend her to anyone seeking truly comprehensive and effective care. — S. Murray